Every year the Student Council or Prefectorial board is constituted in the school to empower the students with the idea of doing something not only for their own upliftment but for the school as well.
The Student Council rises above their individual differences to work as a team for academic enhancement, organization of various events, maintenance of discipline and other related issues. It is open to
the students of Classes V to XII. The interested students first file their nominations and compete against each other in various rounds including – public speaking followed by two rounds of interviews-one
with the panel of teachers and second with the Principal. After the final selection, students are given their portfolios in the form of badges and scarves during the Investiture Ceremony and thus begin their
term of office which is for one academic year.
Abhimanyu Sethia
Jr Head Boy
Achintya Kashyap
Jr. Sports Captain Boy
Aditya Mishra
Dy. Head Boy
Jr. House Captain Innovator
Jr. Dy. House Captain Challenger
Archita Sharma
Jr. Dy. Head Girl
Arnav Chaudhary
Jr. House Captain Explorer
Atishay Jain
Dy. House Captain Challenger
Avni Kushwaha
Jr. House Captain Challenger
Bhaskar Kashyap
Sr. Vice Sports Captain
Bhumika Choudhary
Sr. Vice Sports Captain
Devraj Bansiwal
Jr. Vice Sports Captain Boy
Garvit Sharma
Jr. House Captain Pioneer
Ishita Chauhan
Dy. House Captain Explorer
Ishita Kushwaha
Jr. Head Girl
Kajal Shakya
Dy. House Captain Pioneer
Keshav Kumar
Dy. House Captain Innovator
Kshyati Samparna
Jr. Dy. House Captain Explorer
Kushagra Singh
House Captain Pioneer
Mahi Rastogi
Jr. Dy. House Captain Pioneer
Manvi Mishra
Jr. Lterary Secretary
Manya Agrawal
Sr. Cultural Secretary
Moulik Bhatt
Jr. Dy. Head Boy
Navika Bhatnagar
Jr. Sports Captain Girl
Navya Sharma
House Captain Innovator
Piyush Panwar
House Captain Challenger
Pratham Negi
Sr. Sports Captain Boy
Pratha Sharma
Sr. Sports Captain Girl
Prisha Kwatra
Jr. Vice Sports Captain Girl
Priya Ranjan
House Captain Explorer
Raman Singh
Director School Cabinet Boy
Shreya Kataria
Sr. Cultural Incharge
Tanisha Arora
Sr. Literary Secretary
Vanshika Kasana
Dy. Head Girl
Vanshika Sharma
Jr. Cultural Incharge
Aadyhya Soani
Jr. Cultural Secretary
Darshit Jain
Jr. Dy. House Captain Innovator