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The Art rooms have an ambience which is motivating enough for the students to express their thoughts by drawing. The Art Department organises a plethora of activities related to celebration of festivals etc. Fine Arts as a subject is also available for students of Class XI-XII. Art is an integral component of Heritage education.
The school has an art room that buzzes with creativity. It infuses creativity in young minds and hearts. Here students are taught sketching, colouring, painting, paper art, clay modelling, pottery and sculpture making.
The school takes pride to be the first and foremost in the Delhi/NCR region for the successful conceptualization and implementation of its science park that showers our future Einsteins with opportunities to explore, innovate, invent by being.
ntellectual development is important for knowledge growth. In preschool and kindergarten, children learn questioning, spatial relationships, problem-solving, imitation, memory, number sense, classification, and symbolic play. Intellectual development Room is a space provide where the child's ability to think and reason will grow. It's about how they organize their minds, ideas and thoughts to make sense of the world they live in.